Here on the home front there are
a few battling colds and sickness, the oldest and the youngest at the moment. This should be a pretty low key New Year's. The next 2 older ones are out unpacking what they helped pack the other day and the rest of us are scurrying around tidying and cleaning (kind of). The 10yo boy is working the hardest folding clothes. You don't know how happy it makes me to be able to say that!
I desperately need a shower and some quiet time with my Lord. I always try on New Year's Eve to spend some extra time thinking over the past year and preparing mentally for the new one. I want to commit every moment of it to Him and get some vision, order and focus. I talked to a good friend yesterday about this and we both agreed that this year is going to be different. Not in the typical sense of New Year's Resolutions...that are made with high hopes and rarely realistic to accomplish, on the contrary, the resolve to not live according to our own flesh, at all! We ended our conversation settling on the three basics. "God's Word, Prayer, and a Plan" That sums it up. It seems like "a Plan" could resemble resolutions but I think the difference will be evident more in the Prayer aspect than the Plan. The acknowledging that we can do nothing with out God's amazing strength and we cannot over come sin without his super-natural power and forgiveness. To be able to walk in victory this year, will require us to day by day lay all at the foot of the cross, moment by moment, each temptation. Prayer, to choose a closer walk with him over our own way.
The Plan, is already laid out in scripture...
Matthew 22:37-40 "37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40 On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”
That sums up the Law and the Prophets right? Then why is it so hard? Where does my need to lose weight fit in, my desire for more order in my home, my hope to get up on time and exercise... How are all of these wrapped up in the Law and the Prophets... therefore....this verse? Hmmm? I think I get it.....Love. Do I love the way he wants me too? Do I love him the way he wants me to? Do I really understand what he means when he says 'your heart, ....soul ......and mind'? I am sure I don't. I wish I did. I think that if I could have that all together, much more would fall into place. So, here I will begin, ponder, pray, and wait. This is my New Year. I want to go to the root this year and begin there. No more looking at the surface and all the symptoms of problems, the root, 'my heart, my soul and my mind' seeking, digging, praying, yearning, and grasping, for more of him.
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